I am 23 haved dipped since I was 16. What it can do to teeth, turn them yellow no matter how much you brush, it's going to happen..
I just went to the dentist, I had no lesions but my gums are wearing down (i can see the bottoms of two of my teeth). Even though I have quit it's possible that the gums will keep receding and I'll either have to get a gum graft or lose some teeth. Lets say I kept chewing, well then losing your cheek and a good number of teeth is possible. Don't start chewing for any reason.
teeth get yellow and dissapeare
Chewing tobacco dont do it it will rot your teeth out and give you cancer
As per my opinion both smoking and tobacco is bad for the health. Due to the direct contact of the chewing tobacco with the mouth and teeth, the effects of the nicotine lead to gum diseases. Oral cancer can be extensive in people who use chewing tobacco.
Both are addictive and make your teeth a different color. However, cigarettes are really deadly since it has chemicals that are not found, say, in a organic tobacco leaf. To give an idea, cigarettes have tar, nicotine etc.
of couse it makes your teeth very white and strong Liberals may say yes.
A lump of chewing tobacco is called a quid. A variant of the word: cud quid - (noun) a lump of chewing tobacco
Yes. Cruises do not ban chewing tobacco.
No grasshoppers do not have chewing teeth
Gum cancer, yellow teeth, teeth fall out, and more.
the danger of chew tobacco are; it damage the lungs, one is will die young.
Chewing tobacco is harmful and addictive
They are bhedis cigarettes. and chewing tobacco.