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This is when food particles are breaking down into even tinier pieces by: hydrochloric acid in your stomach. That is chemical digestion.

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Q: What does chemical digestion do in the small intestine?
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Does the small intestine have mechanical or chemical digestion?

Yes, in part. Chemical digestion occurs in the mouth (saliva), stomach (gastric acid) and small intestine. The nutrients are mostly absorbed in the walls (lining) of the small intestine.

Is a small intestine a mechanical or chemical digestion?


Where does most chemical digestion take place and nutrients are absorbed into the blood?

chemical digestion takes place in the small intestine large intestine,mouth and stomach. Nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine and minerals in the large intestine.

Is the small intestines chemical or mechanical?

The small intestine completes the process of chemical digestion.

Long convoluted tube where chemical digestion is completed?

small intestine

Where does the most of the digestion occur?

Chemical digestion occurs int he stomach where acids break down the food turning it into chyme, and also happens in the mouth where saliva mixed with enzymes break food into bolus. It also occurs in the liver, when it produces bile to break down fat, and the liver also breaks down medicine, and small intestine, the small intestine is where the main chemical digestion occurs, the small intestine absorbs all the nutrients into the blood streams.

Where is chemical digestion of food completed?

the small intestine

Where is the start of chemical digestion?

the start of chemical digestion is the mouth and ends in the small intestine. This is true and the saliva has the power of the chemical digestion

Is a chemical digestion occur only in the small intestine is that true or false?

No, digestion begins in the mouth but also occurs in the stomach and small intestine.

A coiled tube in which chemical digestion occurs?

The small intestine is a coiled tube in which chemical digestion occurs.

Chemical digestion of fat takes place where?

Small Intestine.

Most chemical digestion occurs here?

The small intestine