Carcinogenic means cancer-causing. So if you were exposed to certain chemicals or radiation, it would be a carcinogenic event.
Something that is carcinogenic causes cancer. An example of a sentence using the word "carcinogenic" is "Lobbyists are fighting a new law that would label all cigarette packs as carcinogenic. "
Nicotine is the main carcinogenic component in tobacco.
The mainstream think that junk food and cigarettes are carcinogenic
o-dianicidine is carcinogenic at 10 micromole to 100 micromole
Yes considering BBQ does create carcinogens it can be considered carcinogenic
Positive effects of something that is carcinogenic is something that makes us want to stay away from it and choose a healthier option that is not carcinogenic. It makes us more aware of what we do and eat.
Nitrites and nitrates are not carcinogenic themselves, but they can form nitrosamines in the body, which are carcinogenic. Nitrosamines can form when nitrites and nitrates react with amino acids in the stomach, particularly in processed meats that contain these additives.
Not carcinogenic when used on nails, just wash your hands afterwards with water and soap.
An anticarcinogen is a substance that counteracts the effects of a carcinogenic. Essentially, it stops the forming of cancer in the human body.
Yes. Carcinogenic materials are harmful for the health because they can be precursors to development of Cancers in the body.
Negative effects of something carcinogenic is that it causes people to stay away from it which may harm its sales numbers. Or if it is currently being exposed to people, they may not know it is carcinogenic and are at risk of developing cancer.