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Bulimia is an eating disorder, common especially among young women of normal weight who look in the mirror and see themselves as being fat. They have episodes of episodic binge eating (purging) followed by feelings of guilt, depression, and self-condemnation. After they are done eating as much as they can, they find a quick way to get the food out of their system. Either by forceing themselves to vomit, or take laxetives.

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14y ago
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16y ago

a serious eating disorder that occurs chiefly in females, is characterized by compulsive overeating usually followed by self-induced vomiting or laxative or diuretic abuse, and is often accompanied by guilt and depression-MW Dictionary

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13y ago

Bulimia is an eating disorder in which the person binges and purges. Binging constitutes that the person eats more then they can handle and purging is that they quickly get rid of that food. Either by throwing it up or by using laxatives to get it out through the form of diarrhea.

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Can being bulimic make you thirsty?


Can you get sick from being bulimic?

Haha. YES.

Why would you want to be bulimic?

Being bulimic isn't bad. People just say it is because they are jealous that you are becoming skinny and they aren't. I think everyone should be bulimic so we can all be wonderfully skinny!

Can you lose 20 pounds while being bulimic?

you can but being bulimic sucks its depressing and it makes you feel like a pirate who just got killed by Jack Sapparrow

I was dreaming about my daughter vomiting what does it mean?

You are weird and she is bulimic.

What does it mean when you throw up big bubbles of Phelgm I am bulimic if that helps and yes I am trying to stop?

Throwing up large bubbles of phlegm likely means that there is some type of drainage going on in your body. It is a healthy choice to be trying to stop being bulimic.

How can you tell if someone stopped being bulimic?

When people are bulimic, they get sores near the sides of their mouth from the stomach acid and they actually get fatter because they are retaining water. When the sores go away and the bloating stops you know they aren't bulimic anymore.

Are you bulimic?

About 1 in every 200 people is bulimic or has some bulimic tendencies.

How would you measure the capacity of your stomach?

By being a voluntary bulimic with a measuring bowl

Can a narcissist be bulimic?

Certainly, anyone can be bulimic.

What are the symptoms of bulimia?

being bulimic is where you make yourself throw up to try to lose weight

When people eat but then vomit to be thin is call?

The condition is known as 'bulimia', with sufferers being 'bulimic.'