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Q: What does bees spread?
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What do bees spread on fruit?


How are bumble bees helpful?

they spread pllen

How do bees help plants reproduce?

Bees and other animals help to spread pollen to fertilize other plants.

Why will a plant grow a flower?

to attract bees to spread pollen

Which animal flies from flower to flower to spread seeds?

Bees and butterflies.

What is the role of bees and hummingbirds in pollination?

the role of bees is to spread pollen for the flowers to grow and the role of the humming birds is to collect necter .

How are butterflies and bees different?

The butterfly does not belong to a colony, but the bee is part of a hive.

How did colonists bring bees to America?

The colonists had bees shipped to America in hives. The first arrived in the Jamestown colony and spread throughout the area.

What can help spread plant seeds?

Bees, birds, bats, wind, etc.

Can bees spread discease?

Only amongst themselves. There are no bee diseases that can affect humans.

Which way can diseases spread?

Diseases can spread by either saliva or licking some one else blood because they could have aids... and if you'd drink there blood... you could get aids because aids are in the blood... and it could by saliva because that's how ray bees spread because ray bees are in the saliva!

Why do you want bumble bees in the enviromental area?

They spread pollen and promote the growth and health of plants.