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Transdermal spinal and paraspinal ultrasound allows the doctor to see the soft tissues surrounding the actual spine bones (vertebrae). During therapy administration such as electro therapy or ultrasound therapy, the scanner ultrasound system can be safely employed to watch tissue changes to confirm or deny the value of the therapies administered. Orthopedic and chiropractic applications are usually employed in the 3.5 (three point five) to 5.0 (five point zero) MegaHertz range at approx. 1/100th watt scanner energy output. As a standard of care the Institute for Spinal Ultrasound Imaging has set power output and amplification levels such that the outline of the periosteum can be discerned. This standard allows both anatomical reference PLUS discernment of differential micro lymph dilations for diagnosis of inflammatory verses normal spinal/paraspinal environments. In some patients who may be suffering osteoporosis or osteo penia the periosteum may be abnormally thin and avascular thus making the standard impossible despite best efforts. Images for these patients should be preceded with a one vertebra multiple gain/power output series of images to prove "best efforts" has been given sufficient and honest trial. Ligaments. tendons, muscles. nerve roots, facet capsules, and general soft tissues can all be imaged for texture, inflammation, and in the case of muscles "tonus" (since as tension rises the muscle darkens relative to its neighbors). Advances from 2 dimensional slice images have now reached the capability for 3 dimensional images with prices under $25,000. thus ultrasound scanning is certain to become more and more utilized to solve the mysteries of spine pain in more and more doctors offices despite insurance company resistance to "seeing is believing practice style" (tm.)) Acceleration of healing up to 50X usual and customary has been recorded on a consistant basis employing the scanner technology to limit the timing of therapy to maximal effectiveness patient by patient (variances from 32 seconds to 12 minutes have been reported, but the scanner technology allows perfect timing for each individual patient day by day). John D. Reid D.C. (United States Patent holder for spine ultrasound scanning for detection of nerve root inflammation signs) Lead science advisor for The Institute for Spinal Ultrasound Imaging:

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Q: What does a spinal ultrasound show?
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