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A person with autism is very smart, but they cannot communicate in a sociable way. People with autism need to bump up their self-confidence, and need to be more outgoing to actually be noticed.

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16y ago

Basically, Autism is neurological disorder, and which the cells in your brain is mixed up. And the main core deficit, is socializing and communicating with other people. They are described as, "Being in their own private world." Other symptoms include: sensory issues (e.g. they could be sensitive to curtain type of sounds, that can hurt their ears.), destructive behavior, no language, avoids eye contact, "stimming" (similar to tics), and obsessive and limited interests.

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13y ago

People with autism have lack of motivation and aren't generally interested in physical activity. Autism doesn't effect the body in any physical way, as it is an intellectual disability. If someone were to have any physical challenges associated with autism, it would be that they have poor motor skills and coorrdination.

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14y ago

The things people with autism cannot do usually depends on how severe they are on the autistic spectrum. My younger brother who has autism cannot communicate very well and he needs help with even some of the most basic things sometimes

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14y ago

People with Asperger's Syndrome find social activities more difficult than usual.

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Is autistic the same as autism?

An Autistic is a person with Autism.

How long does it take to develope Autism?

A person does not 'develop' autism - a person is born autistic.

How long does it take for someone to develop Autism and why?

A person does not 'develop' autism - a person is born autistic.

How long does it take to developed Autism and why?

A person does not develop autism. Autism is a neurological difference, as such it starts within the womb during the second trimester when the brain is being formed.

What is an autistic?

Someone who is born on the autism spectrum/has autism spectrum disorder/is autistic. Often used in an offensive manner towards autistic people.

What do the eyes of a person with autism look like?

The eyes of a person with autism look the same as the eyes of other people.

How long does it take for a person to develop Autism and why?

A person does not develop autism, autism is not something that occurs to neurotypical people, in the same way that a white person doesn't develop into another race. A person is born autistic, their brains form in the womb.

How does a teenager develop Autism?

A teenager doesn't develop autism - a person is autistic from birth.

Is Autism inherited?

Autism can be inherited from parents with genes for autism. Autism can also be the result of the spontaneous mutation of a gene. It is suspected that a person with the genes for autism might need an environmental factor (in the womb or shortly after birth) to trigger the development of autism.

Is there anything in your environment that contributes to someone having autism?

A person does not 'have' autism, a person is Autistic. Autism is a neurological variation that results from genetics, there's nothing conclusive to say that environmental factors contribute to this.

How does autism affect relationships?

it only affects it if you let it autism doesnt change how a person is feeling inside but it also depends on what kind of autism it is

What is the name of the person studies autism?

A person with autism is said to be autistic. There are also specific forms of autism, such as Asperger's Syndrome, but there is no handy description for such a person, who would still just be called autistic, not Aspergeristic. A person with autism can be described as "a person with autism" or "an autistic person." Some individuals prefer the people-first phrasing - "a person with autism" - because they do not want others to think that autism is the entirety of their being. A person with Asperger's Syndrome is usually not described as autistic because it is not autism. Both autism and Asperger's Syndrome are autism spectrum disorders, also known as pervasive developmental disorders. Some people with Asperger's Syndrome refer to themselves as "Aspergians" or "Aspies," but others do not like them.