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It hangs around in a lymph node until an 'antigen-presenting cell' comes and finds it, and then it starts producing antibodies specifically to 'hunt down' or stick to whatever protein it is that the antigen-presenting cell shows to it. Once it starts producing antibodies, it's then known as a plasma cell.

Antigen-presenting cell = phagocytic or 'pacman-like' macrophage or neutrophil that has eaten evil stuff and keeps a trophy of it's kill on its cell surface to wave around like a flag as it returns from the site of an infection back to base camp (AKA: lymph nodes).

My apologies for all the battle references, but I imagine the immune system and its functions in a very graphic, very action-movie kind of way. It's just too cool and complex not to.

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Q: What does a naive b cell do?
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What is bound to the surface of a B cell?

Antibodies are bound to the surface of a B cell. These antibodies serve as receptors that allow the B cell to recognize and bind to specific antigens. This binding process helps initiate the immune response by activating the B cell to differentiate into plasma cells that secrete antibodies.

How can B cell mature into plasma cell?

The surface immunoglotulin that serves as the B-Cell antigen receptor (BCR) has two roles in B-cell activation. First, like the antigen receptor on T cells, it transmits signals directly to the cell's interior when it binds antigen. Second, the B-Cell antigen receptor delivers the antigen to intracellular sites where it is degraded and returned to the B-cell surface as peptides bound to MHC class II molecules.

What type of B-cells have longest life span?

Memory B cells have the longest lifespan among B-cell types. They are able to persist for years or even decades after an initial exposure to an antigen, providing rapid and robust immune responses upon re-exposure.

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Formation of T cell and B Cell?

B Cell B cells begin as stem cells in your long bone marrow.Next they develop into pro B cells. In this stage of development the variable heavy chains of their antibodies are going under recombination (V,D,J). This is a change in their DNA which is irreversible.The pro B cells develop into pre B cells. Here the variable heavy chains have finished recombination and the mu of the constant heavy chain is expressed on the cells surface. Each allele for the heavy chain had to undergo allelic expression. You receive each allele from both your parents, however, only one may be expressed. The next step within the pro B cell is to undergo division. This is important to divide at this step before the variable light chains recombine so that you have a large immune repertoire. If your B cells divided after the light chain recombination, all your B cells would express the same antibody. Lastly in this stage, the light chains begin to recombine to add to further diversity.After all that is finished you have your immature B cell. In this stage the light chain alleles (V,J) have rearranged. Allelic exclusion has finished for the variable chain. The antibody expressed on the cell surface is complete as IgM.Lastly, you have your mature naive B cell. It underwent RNA splicing of the heavy constant chain and the cell now expresses IgM and IgD on its surface. The B cell is will remain a naive B cell until it becomes activated in your secondary lymphoid system. If during development the B cell's antibodies react with self antigen it will either undergo apoptosis or anergy. Either way the body ensures that your B cells do not react with self before it goes out to your secondary lymphoid system.

What is the sentence of naive?

His naive nature was the reason of his failure. Naive is the word used in this sentence.

What the difference between a b cell and a b memory cell?

A plasma B cell is a B cell that has been activated to proliferate and produce antibodies against a specific antigen. A memory B cell is a B cell that lives a long time after an infection to provide long lasting immunity against that specific antigen. They both originate from the same B cell in your secondary lymph system. Once activated the specific B cell will proliferate into plasma B cells and memory B cells.

What is meant by T cell priming?

T cell priming refers to the process by which naive T cells encounter antigen-presenting cells, receive signals, and become activated to mount an immune response against specific antigens. This activation is essential for T cells to differentiate into effector T cells capable of carrying out their immune functions.

What is the difference between antibody and immunogloulin?

Antibodies are secreted (plasma cells), while immunoglobulins are membrane-bound (naive B cells).

What do you call a person who can be influenced?

Gullible, naive, green, trusting, unsophisticated.Gullible, naive, green, trusting, unsophisticated.Gullible, naive, green, trusting, unsophisticated.Gullible, naive, green, trusting, unsophisticated.

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is large cell b-cell lymphoma agent orange presumptive

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