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* Skin reactions: A mild reaction could be large red spots on the face with little white dots in the middle of each. They usually appear within few minutes to 1/2 an hour after drinking the milk. And they last for about 1/2 hour and then disappear. * More serious reactions generally include major swelling of the face, with the eyes closing. It could also include larger red spots that last more than 1 hour.

* In relation to the skin, it can also take the form of bags (swellings) under the eyes, blackness under the eyes or around the eyes, or generalized eczema and acne.(This is not a complete list. People can be affected in different ways.)

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Q: What does a milk allergic reaction skin look like?
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How do you say allergic to milk in Nepali?

Being allergic is not a choice.

If your diagnosed with milk allergy what in the milk are you allergic to?

The lactose