Is it possible to feel your hernia one day when breathing in deeply and then it go away the next?
Yes, it is possible to feel your hernia one day and then not the
next, this is called a reducible hernia, and is a good thing. Since
a hernia is just a pouch of your intestine pushing through an area
of your abdominal wall, many people can push their hernia back
through the defect in the abdominal wall and into their abdominal
cavity. It is when you can no longer "reduce" your hernia where
problems arise. A hernia that cannot be pushed back into the
abdominal cavity or is "unreducible" is called an incarcerated
hernia and can pose more problems mainly because as intestinal
contents flow through the intestine they can become "stuck" as they
too pass through the area of intestine protruding through the
abdominal wall. If you become unable to move your bowels or are
vomiting for what seems like no reason, it may be a sign that your
hernia is causing intestinal contents to back up in your system and
you should see a doctor for an evaluation. Additionally, an
incarcerated hernia can turn into a "strangulated" hernia because
while the intestines are stuck in this defect in your abdominal
wall, the blood flow to this portion of intestine becomes blocked.
This causes the area of intestine to become necrotic or "die" and
lead to serious problems, surgery would be your only option. Signs
of this would be intense pain at your hernia site as well as
vomiting. So I would suspect that on days where you cannot feel
your hernia it is because that portion of intestine has worked its
way back into your abdominal cavity, this is not to say that you
are healed, and in fact the next time you cough or strain and the
pressure inside your body increases the hernia will likely bulge
out again (the only way to fix a hernia for good is surgery). A
reducible hernia isn't a huge deal, but over time your chances for
it to develop into either an incarcerated or strangulated hernia
increase, so you have to weigh the risks and benefits on deciding
if surgery would be a good idea for you or not.