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externally just a lump on the skin, no swelling or bruising and it can often be identified when you cough as the bump rises A hernia occurs when a loop of the intestine slips through the musculature in the stomach. The only way to see an actual hernia is during surgery to correct it. On the outside, the only thing that can be seen is sometimes a bump or lump looking area on the abdomen. During surgery though, a loop of intestine can actually be seen protruding in the stomach muscles.

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Painful depending on the type.

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Q: What does a hernia feel like?
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What is a hernia feel like?

It doesn't tickle my friend

What dos a hernia feel like to touch?

A hernia can feel like a bulge or lump under the skin, typically in the abdomen or groin area. It may be soft to the touch and may even disappear when lying down. However, pushing on the hernia can cause discomfort or pain.

If you feel bloated can you have a strangulated hernia?


Can an umbilical hernia be opreated twice?

Can you get an umbilical hernia twice? I had an umbilical hernia 29 years ago when I was pregnant with my son. It was repaired at the time but now I feel the same type of pain and wondered if I have another hernia.

What do you call a Doctor Who do hernia surgery?

Hernia repair is usually done by a "general surgeon". There is no surgical specialty that hernia surgery falls into, like there is for "cardiac surgeon", "abdominal surgeon", etc. Like appendectomy, it is considered a basic, simple operation.

Can radiation or heatlamp cure a hernia?

If a doctor told you this, I'd suggest you get a second opinion. The only cure that I know of for a hernia is surgery.

Is it possible to feel your hernia one day when breathing in deeply and then it go away the next?

Yes, it is possible to feel your hernia one day and then not the next, this is called a reducible hernia, and is a good thing. Since a hernia is just a pouch of your intestine pushing through an area of your abdominal wall, many people can push their hernia back through the defect in the abdominal wall and into their abdominal cavity. It is when you can no longer "reduce" your hernia where problems arise. A hernia that cannot be pushed back into the abdominal cavity or is "unreducible" is called an incarcerated hernia and can pose more problems mainly because as intestinal contents flow through the intestine they can become "stuck" as they too pass through the area of intestine protruding through the abdominal wall. If you become unable to move your bowels or are vomiting for what seems like no reason, it may be a sign that your hernia is causing intestinal contents to back up in your system and you should see a doctor for an evaluation. Additionally, an incarcerated hernia can turn into a "strangulated" hernia because while the intestines are stuck in this defect in your abdominal wall, the blood flow to this portion of intestine becomes blocked. This causes the area of intestine to become necrotic or "die" and lead to serious problems, surgery would be your only option. Signs of this would be intense pain at your hernia site as well as vomiting. So I would suspect that on days where you cannot feel your hernia it is because that portion of intestine has worked its way back into your abdominal cavity, this is not to say that you are healed, and in fact the next time you cough or strain and the pressure inside your body increases the hernia will likely bulge out again (the only way to fix a hernia for good is surgery). A reducible hernia isn't a huge deal, but over time your chances for it to develop into either an incarcerated or strangulated hernia increase, so you have to weigh the risks and benefits on deciding if surgery would be a good idea for you or not.

What is another term meaning diaphragmatic hernia?

Another term for diaphragmatic hernia is a hiatal hernia.

What does a hiatus hernia do to your body?

You will have several symptoms if you have a hiatus hernia. You can feel bloated, food feels stuck, vomiting, nausea, sweating and heartburn. You can try antacids, and stay away from fatty and spicy foods.

My dog has a soft lump on her stomach that kind of looks like a hernia?

if your dog is uncomfortable and hurts the dog take the dog to the vets they will tell you if it is a hernia or not. The most common hernia is located at the umbilical area and is called an umbilical hernia if it is he/she might need surgery and it is common with puppy's

You have pain under your belly button around your waist and you feel like your organs are going to fall out when you stand up?

it could be your appendix. Or a hernia.. either way go check it out IMMEDIATLEY

How do you us hernia in a sentence?

you have hernia