It is when your foot is turned out in back right behind your ankle and only your heel touches.
asdfswrdrdrds asdfswrdrdrds
The ankle. In Latin, tarsals literally mean the ankle.
dolphin on the ankle means dreamer
I think you mean ankle biter, which is another name for a toddler
Yes, vampires often wear ankle bracelets.
I do not mean to be offensive, but honestly this is a stupid question. if you have a sprained ankle and need crutches, fine. But if people think you faked it, that is ridiculous an injury is an injury, and who uses crutches in school for fun?
There is no specific meaning behind ankle tattoos. This is just a place where people can put the different tattoos.
You have a weak ankle or it might break soon. I'm not sure.
it means your swoll.
Nothing its preferance or opinion