There are a variety of reasons. The common pathway that accounts for pale stool is an relative absence of bile in the stool (since breakdown products of bile give stool its color). This could be due to a defect in the liver apparatus that excretes bile into the stool, for example. It could also be due to an obstruction in the bile duct system that transmits bile from the liver to the small intestine. The distinction between each can be made by a physician by running common tests called liver function tests (LFTs) in the context of a proper history and physical exam.
I sat on the wooden stool at the kitchen counter while waiting for my breakfast to cook.
it`s brown
I have a stool that begins light brown and turns to a orange yellow stool. I have been taking Peri Colace for constipation. This doesn't always happen.
Brown stringy things in stool could potentially be dietary fibers or mucus. However, if you are experiencing unusual symptoms or have concerns about your stool, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for further evaluation.
baytovins last movement
I have found blood in my stool does this mean colon cancer
In medical terms, stool means feces.
stool (thottukoodathathu (that which cannot be touched) excreta, faeces, stool, etc.)
Duho mean is a ceremonial stool.
Theres not enough info why your liver is blocked but I know black stool can mean beeding. It will have an bad smell to it.
Your looking at "old" stool. The outer shell has reacted to the air and temp. It's all the same when it's"fresh.