A broken nose hurts like hell. Had mine broken in a bar on island of OKINAWA in s1959.o A small Japanese surgeon forced two thin metal rods up my nose to deaden my nose. Next he pulled these two rods out of my nose and put two 3/16th rods up my nose and pried it streight. This hurt like hell. Finally, he took a small hammer and pounded my nost back into shape. He later fixed my broken jaw. I spent 15 days sucking soupe through a straw. P.S. There were 14 other Marines in this ward at camp Couie with broken noses and jaws. Lt. COL USMC RETIRED
Nothing really happens to your eyes if you get a broken nose. The only thing that is messed up is your nose.
A Broken Nose I did not know this; however, after seeing his nose in a recent movie, I KNEW that it was a broken nose b/c look at the guy's nose. lol
a popped zit
Yes, having a broken nose does not effect your ability to swim!
A broken tap means, example like: You have a cold, and your nose is dripping LIKE A BROKEN TAP. It's described as "Broken Tap", because a broken tap kept on dripping. So, this is the answer, hope it helped! (:
A broken tap means, example like: You have a cold, and your nose is dripping LIKE A BROKEN TAP. It's described as "Broken Tap", because a broken tap kept on dripping. So, this is the answer, hope it helped! (:
It is possible to have a broken nose without getting a black eye. If you think your nose is broken, go to a doctor for an x-ray.
No, to the best of my knowledge, David Tennant has never broken his nose.