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The seed gets a tiny plumule and grows many radicles

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Q: What does a bean seedling look like after 3 weeks of being planted?
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Related questions

What happens to a bean seedling that has started growing then gets put in the dark?

A bean seedling kept in dark develops chlorosis and its leaves become yellow.

What is the tiny seedling found inside a legume?


Does it matter what position the bean is planted?

No, so long as it is planted 1/2" deep. If the bean has begun to sprout make sure the sprout is facing up.

Is a bean plant produces seeds in a long pods reproduction?

no, but if they are planted then they are

What can you get with a yellow magic bean and a yellow moon orchid on moshi monsters?

nothing because you have not planted 3 seeds you have only planted 2!

Can a bean plant produce beans if not planted in soil?

No, not normally unless it is grown hydroponically.

What are the steps to the 'story of a cocoa bean'?

Start with the seeds being planted, how they grow, how the plants are cared for, how they are harvested, how they are processed, and then end with how cocoa is made and sent off as a finished product.

Which location of the bean seed contains the highest level of starch?

The cotyledons of the bean seed contain the highest level of starch. Starch serves as an energy reserve for the seedling during germination and early growth stages.

What are the three main parts to a bean?

The main parts of a bean are inside the seed coat, these are the endosperm, cotyledon, and the hypocotyl. The endosperm surrounds the embryo and provides nutrition in the form of starch. The cotyledon is the significant part of the embryo within the seed of the been. It becomes the first leaves of a seedling upon germination. The hypocotyl is the stem of the germinating seedling found below the cotyledon.

Hybread's that does a 157 bushel's corn per acker?

ancer : smith hybread uavesity of Iowa agrocalureal exchange. the hybread dose 157 bushel's to the acker plus 15% too 20% more when planted with bean's. +$8,000.00 planted =+$1,256,000.00 ancer : smith hybread uavesity of Iowa agrocalureal exchange. the hybread dose 157 bushel's to the acker plus 15% too 20% more when planted with bean's. +$8,000.00 planted =+$1,256,000.00 ancer : smith hybread uavesity of Iowa agrocalureal exchange. the hybread dose 157 bushel's to the acker plus 15% too 20% more when planted with bean's. +$8,000.00 planted =+$1,256,000.00

How long does it take to grow a bean?

4 weeks

How fast does a Pinto bean grow?

about two weeks.