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I just tested positive for Lyme disease with similar high lymph count and low WBC. You may want to get tested for Lyme which can cause an array of problems but one of the most common being joint pain.

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Q: What does a High lymphocyte count of 44 and low WBC count of 3.3 with pain in SI joint mean?
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What does it mean if the lymphocyte count is above normal range?

You may have a viral infection, bacterial infection or if very high-leukemia.There are many factors that can cause high lymphocyte count. This can be caused by an infection, autoimmune disorder and cancer of the blood among so many others.

What does it mean if your lymphs are high?

in blood,we have agranular components like lymphocytes,monocytes,macrophages.....these are mainly concerned for our defense system......all these components are much much higher in babies has higher number than woman in these componets....that's why babies body temp is much higher than elder one....mother milk contains "colostrum" which helps in producing these componets......but i have no reason,why their count is high in babies.....may be god has made this...........

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What is lymphocytopenia?

Lymphocytopenia is a condition characterized by abnormally low levels of lymphocytes in the blood. Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell that plays a key role in the immune system. Causes of lymphocytopenia include viral infections, autoimmune disorders, and certain medications. Treatment depends on the underlying cause.

What does it mean if you have a high white blood cell count but a low lymphocyte count?

If the White Blood Count is high and you have immature White Blood Cells called Blasts, then it probably means you have ALL; Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. However, if the lymphocytes are low, this can mean anything from Chicken Pox to TB to Measles, Mumps and Rubella. If your Lymphosites count climbs, I'd suggest to see an Oncologist to test for ALL.

Is lymph count of 24.7 high or low?

If you mean lymphocyte, as a percent of total white cells the normal range for adults is 18-40%. 21% is toward the low end but falls within the normal range.

What does it mean to have elevated neutro auto and lymph auto?

It means that the neutrophil and lymphocyte count done by the machine on your CBC showed elevated levels.

What causes raised lymphocytes and enlarged lymph nodes in toddlers?

To add-my son is 18 months old, and has had enlarged lymph nodes in his neck since birth. They are so large you can see them from across the room. His doc ordered a CBC and initially it came back with a total WBC count of 12.47 and lymphocyte count of 8.48. He said the WBC should have been around 10 and the lymphocyte around 4. Then a month later his WBC was 16.15 and lymphocyte at 8.08. Now a week later, his WBC is back down to 12.5, but his lymphocyte count raised back to 8.78. The only other thing he said was off was his MCH (mean count hemoglobin??) at 25.3 which was a little low. All his other types of cells are normal, including his other WBC types. At first he said he was concerned with his number of lymphocytes being so high, and now he is saying it might just be an infection that is getting better. Is it normal for your WBC to go down but your lymphocyte number to increase? Everywhere I read about it your lymphocyte number should be within 20-40% of your total WBC count.

What does high Lkc mean in a blood test?

High LKC in a blood test could refer to high lymphocyte count, indicating an increased number of lymphocytes in the blood. This may be associated with infections, immune disorders, or certain cancers. Further evaluation by a healthcare provider is necessary to determine the underlying cause.

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Do you mean a high basophil count? Basophils are white blood cells and the count may be high in allergic conditions such as asthma, hay fever, after a bee sting or as a response to infection.

Is 45.4 lymphocyte count high?

The normal levels of lymphocytes present in the blood usually range between 1200 and 3200 lymphocytes per milliliter of blood. However; different laboratories may follow different standards of valuing the normal levels of lymphocytes. Hence, it is important to consult a doctor for interpretation of the lab results of a blood test as also for understanding the status of lymphocyte. Just like high lymphocytes count, low levels of lymphocytes may also point to the possible presence of an underlying condition. Some of these health conditions include the following: Aplastic anemia Steroids use side effects HIV / AIDS Tumors Multiple sclerosis An overactive adrenal cortex Guiallain-Barre syndrome which refers to weakness in legs and arms, which generally results from nerve damage Myasthenia gravis which refers to muscle weakness If you mean 48 and not 4800, your level is much too low. If 4800, it is high and may be due to an infection or leukemia.