Stop in CPR means stop compressions and breaths.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Resuscitation. CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Computer Processing Rate
compression, airway. breathing, defibrillation
You do not need CPR to graduate from High School. Those in the health care profession need CPR to pass some classes; so for those people, a CPR certificate is required.
Cardio (as in cardiopulmonary resuscitation).
MFA usually refers to medical first aid.
It means: Canadian Pacific Railway in this context
ESP must be a seller (possibly manufactures) CPR mannequins (see related link). There is no mnemonic that uses ESP for CPR that I am aware of.
Rest and reassure Elevate Direct pressure Semisit Semiprone
Rest and reassure Elevate Direct pressure Semisit Semiprone