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The closest biblcal saying is 'render to Caesar the things that are Caesars, and to God the things that are God's' (see Matthew 22:21).

Your exact saying is found here in this related link:

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Q: What does 'when in Rome do as the Romans do' mean and what Bible verse does it relate to?
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What does romanize mean?

Normally this notation would mean chapter 131, verse 7 in the book of Romans in the Holy Bible

Where is When in Rome do what the Romans do in the Bible?

That is an old saying, but it's not in the Bible.

What is Romans chapter 1 verse 13 about?

A:In Romans 1:11-12, Paul assures the Romans how much he longs to go to Rome. He also realises that he has made this promise before, without fulfilling it, so in verse 13, Paul admits as much. He goes on, to say how much his time has been committed to the Greeks and barbarians, but (verse 15) he is now ready to preach the gospel in Rome.

When did the Romans show up in the Bible?

In the Bible, Roman(s) first appears in Luke 2:1, however, historically, Rome/Romans were in the Holy Land beginning from late BC.

What genre is the book of Romans in the bible?

Romans is one of the Pauline letters; the whole book is a letter from Paul to the church in Rome.

Was the Apostle Peter ever in Rome Please give Scipture and Verse - Thank you?

There is no scripture reference that places Peter in Rome. Any such evidences are outside the Bible.

What Bible verse mentions Julia a Christian woman in Rome?

Romans 16 v1515 Salute Philologus, and Julia, Nereus, and his sister, and Olympas, and all the saints which are with them. 16 Salute one another with an holy kiss. The churches of Christ salute you.Romans 16:17

Do in Rome as Rome does?

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

What was Rome called when the Romans were about?


Who are the Romans and where do they live?

Hello???? Rome was the capitol of the Roman empire. It was populated by Romans. Romans lived all over the city. They still do.Hello???? Rome was the capitol of the Roman empire. It was populated by Romans. Romans lived all over the city. They still do.Hello???? Rome was the capitol of the Roman empire. It was populated by Romans. Romans lived all over the city. They still do.Hello???? Rome was the capitol of the Roman empire. It was populated by Romans. Romans lived all over the city. They still do.Hello???? Rome was the capitol of the Roman empire. It was populated by Romans. Romans lived all over the city. They still do.Hello???? Rome was the capitol of the Roman empire. It was populated by Romans. Romans lived all over the city. They still do.Hello???? Rome was the capitol of the Roman empire. It was populated by Romans. Romans lived all over the city. They still do.Hello???? Rome was the capitol of the Roman empire. It was populated by Romans. Romans lived all over the city. They still do.Hello???? Rome was the capitol of the Roman empire. It was populated by Romans. Romans lived all over the city. They still do.

Why were Romans called the the Romans?

The Romans were called Romans because they were from Rome. Roman means people and things from Rome, similarly to English for England.

Why were the Romans called the Romans?

The Romans were called Romans because they were from Rome. Roman means people and things from Rome, similarly to English for England.