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Lupus doesn't have a particular look. It can cause a rash across your face which has been described as a butterfly rash because it spans your cheeks and nose. This is the only visible physical symptom.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

The rash that is usually associated with lupus is a malar rash across the face. It presents across the cheeks and can be raised or flat and either bright red or light pink. It appears in a pattern that looks like a butterfly with its wings spread.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Lupus is an autoimmune disease characterized by periods of activity called flares and periods of remission. Flares are unpredictable. For most people a flare includes joint and muscle pain and extreme fatigue. Rashes, mouth sores, fevers, pleurisy, pericarditis, and other inflammatory symptoms may also occur. In short, lupus is like having the flu forever.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Type "Google Images" in your search box. Then type "lupus rash" in the new search box and you will see plenty of pictures.

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Lupus and rosacea are not the same thing. A dermatologist would need to do a biopsy to determine if redness and inflammation are caused by lupus or rosacea. It is possible for a lupus rash to look lmuch like rosacea.

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== == Lupus symptoms tend to mimic many other diseases. Many times, the doctors look for many other things before looking for lupus. The phrase "But you don't look sick" is often associated with lupus. You tend to feel awful with this disease but look "normal." This can cause many patients who are misdiagnosed to feel like they are going crazy. Also, there is no single test to diagnose for lupus. A positive ANA in a blood test will sometimes show that one has lupus but it is not definitive.

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It is estimated 1 in 2000 people will have lupus or lupus like symptoms.

In Brave New World why does Lenina have lupus if diseases have been eradicated?

she doesnt have lupus... its only because she was working in a room with red light so it seemed as though she did 'all the symptoms of lupus' the embryo workers just look like they have it under that light

Are leukocytes and blood in urine symptoms of lupus?

Yes, these are all signs of Lupus. Looking for these 2 things are some of the things the doctor will look for when trying to diagnose you with Lupus.

Is Lupus spread by insects?

Lupus is an autoimmune disease the develps in people who have a genetic predisposition and then are exposed to probable triggers like certain viruses, stress, etc. Lupus is not contagious. Lupus is not blood born. Lupus is not spread by anything including insects.

Can lupus anticoagulant cause tiredness?

Lupus anticoagulant does not, in itself cause tiredness but having lupus does. Lupus can cause anemia which in turn causes fatigue. Lupus can cause the body to make inflammatory cytokines which cause a feeling of flu like fatigue.

How long can someone with lupus live for?

There is no such thing as crest lupus. Crest disease is a different disease alltogether. It is however an autoimmune disease just like lupus.

What is the Latin name for a owl butterfly?

"Tyto alba" is the Latin name for the Barn Owl.

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Why is dogs lupus?

lupus is latin for wolf. i believe that the name for the disease comes from the face rash looking not only like a butterfly, but like the face of a wolf also.