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Amoxicillin and metronidazole are to be taken in combination for a sinus infection. If plain amoxicillin does not work, a formulation with clavulanic acid such as augmentin should be used with metronidazole.

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Q: What do you use if amoxicillin does not cure your sinus infection?
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What to do for sinus infections?

Well, first of all, you need to go to a doctor to actually get it diagnosed. Once it's been diagnosed, the doctor will either have you wait for a week and care for it at home to see if it'll go away on its own, or they will put you on an antibiotic. Amoxicillin is common. Usually, you'd take the Amoxicillin for 10-14 days, but sometimes an extension to 21 days is recommended. If the Amoxicillin doesn't work, they may switch you to a more potent antibiotic. One thing you can do to avoid sinus infections is to stay away from dry climates. If, like me, you live in a desert, then having a humidifier in your house may help. I use one in my bedroom at night and it seems to help a lot. Good luck with your sinus infection!

Is augmentin good for sinus infection?

No, augmentin is used to kill bacterial infections. Use a cough suppressant such as Robitussin, Dimetapp, or Vicks to help the cold symptoms.

Is it harmful for you to use eye drops when you have a sinus infection?

If the eye drops are for moisturizing or rewetting with contact lenses it should be fine to use them while you recover from your sinus infection. If the drops contain medication, check with your pharmacist or the prescribing doctor to make sure the medication in the drops and the medication for your sinus infection can be used together.If the tip of the eye drops bottle came in contact with your eye or tears, since your sinus infection started, call your doctor or pharmacist to see if they think the drops are contaminated and need to be replaced.

What is good for a sinus infection?

A humidifier would easily clear up the sinus infection. I also recommend Vicks Vapo Rub (which i own no copyright to). I use that whenever i have a sinus infection. It clears me up very quickly. Drink lots of fluids, and a little unorthodox, but putting icy-hot under your nose and on your chest will also help.

What is the correct dosage for 500 mg amoxicillin for sinus infection in adults?

500mg Every 12 hours or 250mg every 8 Hours

Can you get a sinus infection from pets?

Not from the pet but from pet dander or from cats who use a litter box, yes, I believe so.