Earaches may be caused by problems in the Ear or referred pain from the throat. The most common causes are infection, wax, foreign bodies, tonsillitis leading to middle ear infection which can cause perforation of the ear drum. Medical check up by your local doctor is recommended
Eustachian tube
Ear, nose and throat or a general practitioner.
My mom & grandma used to put it in my ears for earaches or when you get the ringing sensation in your ears. I have used it for years on myself, kids, grandkids. Usually gets a head start on preventing earaches.
i don't know the reason, please tell me if u know any
yes they can
No. They require investigation by a doctor who might then prescribe antibiotics if appropriate.
Elephants. Enclosed spaces. Earwigs. Earaches.
No..That is absurd.It could cause a terrible infection.
Aztec used herb to cure illness. Earaches used liquid rubber in their ears.
The patron saints against earaches are St. Cornelius and St. Polycarp of Smyrna.