It is always worth seeing a doctor with any injury, to rule out anything serious. The best thing to do initially is PRICE
Protect:Avoid any activities that cause pain.
Rest:Without rest, continual strain is placed on the area, which can lead to increased knee swelling, pain, and possible further injury. There is also a risk of the area not healing properly if it is not allowed to rest.
However, the key is RELATIVE rest because at complete rest a muscle loses 3-5% of its strength every day!
Ice:Ice wrapped in a towel and applied for 10-15 minutes can help to reduce knee swelling and pain. When the knee is damaged, you get bleeding into the joint and an increase in the amount of synovial fluid.
Compress:The most effective way to apply and maintain compression on the knee is to use a specially designed elastic bandage called tubigrip
Elevate:Elevation helps to reduce knee swelling by helping the excess fluid drain back into the body's system. Lie down and prop your leg up so your knee is higher than your heart so the fluid can drain away.
Other treatment options include painkillers, acupuncture, knee braces, steroid injections, exercises and surgery
Okay, so my left knee hurts whenever I really move it. The school year has just started, and I have gym Monday-Friday. I think it might be because of that, so I don't really want to complain to anyone and go about my day hoping it'll just go away. (I'm pretty sure my sore muscles are also just because of gym) I told my parents (my dad is a chiropractor, by the way) and about how it started a few days into gym. They never commented on the gym part. My dad gave me a knee adjustment and it didn't help at all. The pain seems to be coming from the inside. I'm kind of worried. My friend (who is always with me during gym) says I should tell the teacher, but I don't want the teacher to think I'm making too big of a deal about it. If it helps, I'm 12 years old- which also concerns me a bit also. Help :(
Are you in the midst of a growth spurt? My sons has Osgood-Schlatters disease--just a time where the bone and the tendons are growing at different rates. Used to be a real worry--surgery, etc.--but not these days. You basically rest the knee and ice it and in a few months the pain goes away. Soccer and other sideways movements are hard on it: a doctor's excuse (not your Dad) should get you to an easier-going PE.
Cut or Scraped Knee:
Remember, if the damage is deep, visit the doctor. If the knee is not cut, but might be damaged, visit a specialist.
Ouch, my knee hurts.
Knee by far. The knee has a lot of nerves that the elbow doesn't have
it hurts REALLY bad and it could break your knee cap
sympathy pain
my knee hurts HELP
If your knee hurts, there could be a number of problems such as tendonitis. It is best to get checked by a doctor.
Wasted Talent
Don't work with it to much or it will hurt more and you might have to get your knee repared
mi fa male il ginocchio
I'd say a knee
"Peter hurt his knee when he fell last week" is correct.
Bend a little every day even if it hurts, and befor you know it, you'll be fine.