yes but this is not harmful,it will disappear when the medication stops.
ADH stands for anti-diuretic hormone, suggesting that it's a hormone that stops diuresis (urination). Therefore, in the absence of a hormone that stops urination, less concentrated urine is formed at a greater amount.How much urine can you loose in one day (Quantity in cc's)?
the kidenys stops making urine to conserve water
I would immedatly go to the doctor.
The prostate stops the urine from the gall bladder for it is currently being beaten by the grimlins who's fur is white as snow. Cheese whiz may leek from the finger nails. THANK GOD.
The male reproductive system is designed to ensure that it doesn't happen. The main reason it does not is because a muscle contracted called a sphincter that prevents the bladder from leaking any urine during ejaculation.
True, due to the ammonia levels in the urine, the sensors in the jellyfish's tentacles are disrupted and in that case stops them from stinging anything.
It works for most people but some people have something in their body that stops from absorbing the crystals in the detox drink.
you could be pregnant
Because urine has urine in it.
........................ urine
If you stops, it stops.