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Well, I get eye drops that are specifically for when you are wearing contacts, you should be able to find some in your local pharmacy.

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Q: What do you do if your contacts get dry while in your eye?
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Can contacts stick to your eye?

If your eye is dry and you don't do it right otherwise don't worry about it.;)

What if your eye is irritatedand you dont were contacts?

Your eyes problebly are dry or you have allergys

Can you use lubricant eye drop while wearing your contacts lens?

Many types of lubricant eye drops are safe and effective to use, even while wearing contacts. Bausch and Lomb ReNu brand eye drops and Systane Contacts are two lubricant eye drop products that are safe to use while wearing contacts (which will not harm your contacts and will help your eyes).

Can eye contacts be put in water?

YES!! just make sure you keep them dry

Laser Eye Surgery?

form_title= Laser Eye Surgery form_header= Improve your vision with laser eye surgery. Do you wear contacts or glasses?*= () Contacts () Glasses () None Do you have dry eyes?*= () Yes () No Are you pregnant?*= () Yes () No

Can I wear these contacts if I have an eye conditon such as cataracts or glaucoma?

It is important to consult with your eye care professional before wearing contacts with cataracts or glaucoma. They will be able to advise you on the best course of action based on your specific condition and eye health needs.

Blindness while wearing contacts.?

You should not have complications or blindness from wearing contacts. Follow the instructions given by your eye doctor and always keep your contacts clean. Only wear contacts prescribed for you.

How do you take your contacts out when their dry?

Just put some contact solution in your eye and wait a couple of minutes for your eye to naturally create tears to soften them up.

Can i put contact lens solutions in my eye while wear contact?

No, you should not put contact lens solutions directly in your eye while wearing contact lenses. Contact lens solutions are meant for cleaning and storing lenses, not for direct application to the eye. If your eye is feeling dry or irritated while wearing contacts, use lubricating eye drops recommended by your eye care provider.

Can you leave contacts on while you take a shower?

Not recommended. The water can dry out the contact lenses, especially steam.

I haven't worn contacts in over 10 years -- are they better for dry eyes now?

Thankfully, if you suffer from dry eye symptoms such as irritated, "scratchy" and red eyes when wearing contacts, today there are many lens care products and new types of lenses available, and the right combination of these products often can improve the comfort of wearing contacts.

Why after wearing your contacts for the first week you notice that the things you used to see without contacts are not as sharp anymore?

Possibly dry eyes or the wrong prescription. You should go back to the eye doctor and have him re-check you.