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you die

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Q: What do you do if someone grabs your neck?
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How do cats move their young?

The mother cat grabs the scruff of her child's neck

What if someone grabs you by the wiener?

turn and run!

What does the phrase ''by grabs''mean?

Grab someone

What does the phrase by grabs mean?

Grab someone

If your breast only get sore when someone grabs them does that mean your pregnant?

No. It means that the person grabs them too hard and doesn't respect you.

How do you play kick the can?

you try and kick the can before someone grabs it

Why does your cat licks your kitten and grabs him by the neck?

because the baby cat doesn't no how to wash its self , and doesn't no what to do and they care

What is a daily grab?

When someone grabs another persons butt every day

What does it mean when your boyfriend grabs your neck while kissing?

It could mean that he was passionately kissing you and in the heat or this could be showing signs of abuse I guess.It depends on how hard he grabbed it. it doesn't mean any thing but if he grabs your butt or boobs then he totally loves you!!

How do gibbons defend themselves?

Gibbons don't mix with other animals. if an animal attacks the gibbon it grabs the animals mane or neck with his claws or tail.

Who grab gohan by his neck in the garlic jr saga and way how come chichi can beat gohan up in the garlic jr saga?

Chi Chi grabs gohan by the neck because she is controlled by the black water mist.

How does a fox kill a goose?

bites it's neck!