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What does it mean if my patient had a nose bleed and dizziness after a deep tissue massage? I was scared to let her drive home.

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Q: What do you do if client had a nose bleed during massage session?
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yes! is very sexy and nice..good job for bleed during sex!

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She will bleed a little a couple days after estrus.

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Not usually. The only time a snake would bleed during the shedding process is if there are 'complications'

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This is normal - not all dogs spot or bleed during their heat cycle.

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Yes, snakes actually bleed very badly during child birth. The blood is blue and if there isn't much blood, something is wrong with the snake.

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I don't know if the insects bleed, but I'm guessing you're wondering if you will bleed if you scratch during a pubic lice infestation. Yes, you may bleed if you scratch enough while having pubic lice.

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It is not normal to experience bleeding during pregnancy. If you are experiencing bleeding for any length of time during your pregnancy, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider immediately.

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actually pit bulls don't bleed through their pregnancy but some might if they have problems or a strange condition.

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