In case of Male Excretory and Reproductive systems are combined by Nature.In Excretory system, you have two Kidneys, two Ureters,(Not Urethra.)and one urinary bladder for to store urine.From Urinary bladder, you have what is called as Urethra, for passage of urine.All these structures are common to both males and females.In case of females length of Urethra is very short. It makes them difficult to hold urine for longer duration of time.(Simple Physics.)In case of males reproductive system is also attached to Excretory system. Sperms are produced in two Testes. They travel a very long journey. (More than 12 meters.)From Epididymis, you have Vas Differns travelling through inguinal canal and then joining the Urethra, which is surrounded by Prostate Gland. (There are two Seminal Vesicles are attached to Urethra. They provide bulk to Semen,60 %, during ejaculation.)Prostate gland(Which contribute 30 % in Semen.) encloses about 4 to 5 cm of urethra.Then, you have about 1.5 cm of Membranous part of Urethra.(Bulbourethral gland is attached to this part of Urethra.) Then starts Penile Urethra. which is about 15 cm long.( In total about 20 cm long.) So Male Urethra performs two functions. 1)Passage of urine from urinary Bladder.2)Passage of semen during ejaculation.
The three regions of the male urethra are:Prostatic urethraMembranous urethraspongy urethra
The assists in emptying the male urethra
male urethra is long and female urethra is short
The urethra is the passageway for semen as it leaves the male's body. In the male, the urethra carries semen and urine, while in the female the urethra only carries semen.
The three divisions of the male urethra are the prostatic urethra, the membranous urethra, and the penile (spongy) urethra. Each section serves a specific purpose in the transport of urine and semen.
Urine and Sperm
The urethra is located in the bull's penis, just like in a human male.
The urethra in the male reproductive system serves as a passage for both urine and semen to exit the body.
The female and male urethra function in the same way for urinary elimination. The female urethra is shorter in length than a male's, with the female urethra approximately 1 1/2 inches long and the male urethra approximately 8 inches long. Therefore, females can be more vulnerable to urinary tract and bladder infections since the pathway for germs from outside the body is shorter in females. Both males and females have sphincter muscles at the base of the bladder that control the release of the urine from the bladder to the urethra. In males, the urethra also functions as a tube for the release of semen in ejaculation. Their urethras intersect with the vas deferens, the tube that moves semen from the reproductive organs, at the area of the prostate gland. A valve at the base of the urethra directs the flow of either urine or semen through the urethral tube.
The male urethra is significantly longer than the female urethra. Unlike the female urethra, it has a function in the reproductive system (carrying semen to the outside of the body) as well as a urinary function (carrying urine to the outside of the body.)
The narrowest part of the male urethra is the external urethral meatus, which is the opening at the tip of the penis where urine and semen exit the body. It is the most constricted part of the urethra and can be prone to blockages or infections.