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Working together, the respiratory and circulatory systems perform gas exchange from the blood to the lungs. This exchange occurs at the alveoli.

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Q: What do the respiratory and the circulatory systems do together?
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How does the respiratory and circulatory system work together in a frog?

In frogs, the respiratory system involves the exchange of gases through their moist skin and lungs. The circulatory system works to transport oxygen absorbed by the respiratory system to various tissues in the body and remove carbon dioxide. The two systems work together by ensuring that oxygen is delivered to the cells and carbon dioxide is removed efficiently.

What system does the circulatory system work with to obtain oxygen for the body?

The circulatory and respiratory systems work together to get oxygen to cells. Oxygen transfers from the respiratory to the circulatory system at the capillaries surrounding the alveoli.

What are the circulatory and respiratory systems called?

the circulatory system and the respiratory system are the names

What body systems work together?

The respiratory and circulatory systems work together to transport oxygen to the cells and remove carbon dioxide. The nervous and muscular systems work together to control movement. The endocrine and reproductive systems work together to regulate hormone production for reproduction.

How does gas exchange occur when the circulatory and respiratory systems work together?

it occurs through the heart

How do the circulatory and respiratory systems work together to keep you're body functioning?

Yo face

How are the respiratory and reproductive system similar?

The respiratory and circulatory systems work together as a unit to exchange gases between body cells and the environmentThe respiratory and circulatory systems work together as a unit to exchange gases between body cells and the environmentThe respiratory and circulatory systems work together as a unit to exchange gases between body cells and the environment

How do the diseases in respiratory and circulatory systems begin to develop?

Diseases of the circulatory and respiratory systems begin to develop due to disorders of the heart and lungs.

CPR artificially takes over the functions of which two body systems?

CPR artificially takes over the functions of the circulatory and respiratory systems. It helps maintain blood circulation by manually pumping the heart and provides oxygen to the body by assisting with breathing.

How do the respiratory and circulatory system work together to make a person breathe in and out?

They don't. The CNS, muscular, and skeletal systems do.

Which two organ system are involved in removing carbon dioxide from the body?

1. Respiratory system 2. Cardiovascular system

Which body systems are involved in respiration?

respiratory system Circulatory system