The middle fibers of the deltoid abduct the arm.
The muscles located in the shoulder and move the arm are: the deltoid, teres major, and rotator cuff muscles. The deltoid muscle is like three muscles in one: the anterior fibers flex the shoulder, the lateral fibers abduct the arm, and the posterior fibers extend the shoulder. The rotator cuff muscles are the supraspinatus , infraspinatus , teres minor, and subscapularis . They can be remembered with the mnemonic SITS. The primary function of the rotator cuff muscles is holding the head of the humerus in the glenoid cavity. They act more to assist the other muscles.
The deltoid group of muscles is the shoulder.
There are four muscles used for horizontal adduction of the shoulder. These muscles are the pectorals major, middle deltoid, latissimus dorsi, and coracobrachilis.
Some examples of pennate muscles in the human body include the deltoid muscle in the shoulder, the rectus femoris muscle in the thigh, and the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle in the forearm. These muscles have fibers that run obliquely to the tendon, which allows for greater force generation.
Deltoid muscles help to move the shoulders.
Pectoralis Major
Posterior Deltoid Middle Trapezius Rhomboids Latissimus Dorsi Look them up!
This type of muscle arrangement is called pennate. Pennate muscles maximize the number of muscle fibers in a given space, allowing for greater force production. Examples of pennate muscles include the deltoid and gastrocnemius.
Muscle fibers can be arranged into two basic structural patterns, fusiform and pinnate. Most human muscles are fusiform, with the fibers largely arranged parallel along the muscle's longitudinal axis. In many of the larger muscles the fibers are inserted obliquely into the tendon, and this arrangement resembles a feather. The fibers in a pinnate (feather) muscle are shorter than those of a fusiform muscle. The arrangement of pinnate muscle fibers can be single or double, as in muscles of the forearm, or multipinnate, as in the gluteus maximus or deltoid.
The deltoid tuberosity.
Cats have three muscles together that correspond to the human deltoid muscle. The muscles are the clavodeltoid, spinodeltoid, and the acromiodeltoid.