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they all die. Littlun with birthmark - in fire simon - murdered by the savages piggy - knocked off castle rock by roger's boulder

The boy with the birthmark doesn't die...... The boy with the birthmark, and Simon both die as a result of the savagery and lack of civil behavior of the boys. The boy with the birthmark dies because the boys had no sense of order and had not counted how many boys there were on the island.He was simply forgotten about and it is assumed that he dies. In Simon's case, he is murdered by the boys in a brutal onslaught. This is a display of the degree at which the boys have lost touch with reality and have indeed become savages.

The death of both boys is also denied afterward by most of the boys. They do not wish to admit to their behavior. This shows that the boys still have a sense of wrong and right but the desire for blood-lust and uncivil behavior has taken over. They all are considered outcast amongst the rest of the children. Absolutely nothing, as the littlun with the mulberry coloured birthmark on his face isn't even mentioned until chapter 2. What all three of them eventually have in common is that, presumably, all three of them died. Simon was beaten to death when he was mistaken for the 'beast.' Piggy was killed when he was knocked from the causeway by a boulder and the littlun with the birth marked face disappeared after the first fire got out of control, presumably killed by the fire or by smoke.

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15y ago
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14y ago

In Lord of the Flies only one boys is mentioned as having a birth mark. The littlun who first raises the issue of the snake-thing is described as having one side of his face blotted out by a mulberry-coloured birthmark. Piggy noticed that the same small boy had disappeared at the end of chapter two, when sparks from the fire on the mountain top set alight to a pocket of jungle on the side of the mountain.

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14y ago

Piggy, Simon and the littlun with the mulberry coloured birthmark on his face have nothing in common in chapter one. The littlun with the mulberry coloured birthmark on his face isn't even mentioned in the book until chapter two. Eventually all Simon and Piggy die violent deaths and as the littlun with the mulberry coloured birthmark on his face is never seen again after the fire got out of control on the mountain top, he too probably met an unpleasant death.

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14y ago

In Lord of the Flies only one boys is mentioned as having a birth mark. The littlun who first raises the issue of the snake-thing is described as having one side of his face blotted out by a mulberry-coloured birthmark. Piggy noticed that the same small boy had disapeared at the end of chapter two, when sparks from the fire on the mountain top set alight to a pocket of jungle on the side of the mountain.

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15y ago

Piggy and Simon were both murdered and the littlun with the mulberry coloured birthmark on his face dissapeared when the first fire on the mountain got out of control and he was never seen again, so presumably he also died.

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15y ago

Is it that they all have nighmares about the beast im not sure (remember this in a chapter 2 question that i cant figue out)

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Q: What do piggy Simon littleun with the birthmark have in common?
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Simon was beaten to death when he was mistaken for the 'beast.' Piggy was killed when he was knocked from the causeway by a boulder and the littlun with the mulberry coloured birthmark on his face disappeared after the first fire got out of control, presumably killed by the fire or by smoke. Ralph also stabbed at least two of Jack's hunters with his spear so they may also have been killed or badly injured.

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Only two boys died: Simon and Piggy. However there was the boy with the mulberry-shaped birthmark but he is just never seen again (his fate is undetermined).

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