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Everyone is different.

I had depression, stopped taking my meds when I felt I was ready and I am perfectly happy 98% of the time.

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Q: What do people with depression show?
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What are Hoover pockets?

A Hoover pocket, also called a Hoover flag, was when people would pull out the flaps of their pockets to show that they had no money. It originated from the Great Depression.

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of course, great depression increase unemployment

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Counselling can help with depression, if you are honest about how you are feeling.

How many people where Homless people during the Great Depression?

How many people were homeless during the Great Depression? Between one and two million people.

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According to depression statistics which people are the most likely to get depressed?

According to depression statistics, people with a general pessimistic outlook on life are more likely to get depressed as well as people who come from families who have a history of depression.

What was the musical show about the Great Depression?

I believe it was Annie. That's what fits.