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keep away from bad smells

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Q: What do people think will cure the Black Plague?
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Was eating their own poo a cure for black plague?

There was no cure for plague, although a lot of people did some incredibly stupid things in the hopes that it would be. This was one of them.

How do they cure people of the black plague today?

with antibotics if left untreated infected patients die

Did medieval ages have gold?

Yes! They used it for medicine. The people thought it would cure the Black Plague.

What did people do to figure out the cause of the black plague?

The people during the 1300's were freighted of the plague because it was killing people extremely quickly and they couldn't find a cure for it.

What was the cure in the black death?

There was only a cure available for the bubonic plague, (one of the plgaues of the two plagues of the black death), the main cure which in some cases worked was to pop the boils which were side affects of the plague and letting the puss out would somehow eliminate the plague from the body.

What can you do if you think you have the plague?

See your doctor for antibiotics to cure it.

What will you learn from the black plague what did we learn?

There was an outbreak of the Black Plague in the Middle Ages, when medical science did not have any sort of cure, so millions of people died. The lesson learned from this outbreak was that cleanliness is vital to survival, and would keep the plague from returning.

What antibiotics can cure about the black plague?

the disease was caused by rat infestation,

Who found the cure for the black plague?

Nobody found a cure, its just that the people taht survived developed an immunity, and their children had it, also, not everyone caught it, just a lot did, and most died, but no cure was found.

What was the cure for the Bubonic Plauge?

To be honest i don't think their is a cure. I know a solution was to incinerate the bodies to prevent farther spread. And staying away from people was usual.

Was there a cure to the black plague in 1347?

No, there was no cure to the black plague in 1347. Doctors of that days were completely unable to find any cure of black plague. They tried to use different cures like- arsenic, cooked onion,crushed emeralds,sitting in the sewers etc. But those didn't work.

What is the name of the cure that cured the black plague?

Antibiotics such as streptomycin, gentamicin, doxycycline, or ciprofloxacin are used to treat plague. Oxygen,intravenousfluids, and respiratory support usually are also needed...