

Best Answer

raw ground beef ,bugs veggies

Make sure you have UV lighting and a good basking spot. (basking surface should be at least 90 F) Also, be sure to add plants and provide many hiding places.

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Q: What do painted turtles need in their cages?
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Can you leave turtles on their own with plenty food for a week?

NO! Turtles need water and to have their cages cleaned. They need cleaned habitats!

Do painted turtles need land?

Yes, painted turtles need land. They are cold-blooded reptiles which means they rely on their environment for warmth. Turtles like to lay on logs/rocks/land to bask in the sunlight.

Are stink pot turtles and painted turtles the same?

no, stinpots are musk turtles not painted turtles

What can sun turtles not eat?

"Sun turtle" is not a specific breed of turtle. It is a nickname for a group of turtle species known as Painted Turtles. There are four different types of painted turtles, Eastern Painted, Midland Painted, Southern Painted and Western Painted. Each one has it's own specific dietary requirements. Because sun turtles do not exist and is just a nickname for a group called Painted Turtles, which there are four different species of, you will need to find out exactly which species of painted turtle you own before dietary requirements can be recommended.

Are baby painted turtles poisonous?

painted turtles are NOT harmful at all!

How does the painted turtle drink?

painted turtles drink out of a little drinking dish. painted turtles like fresh unsalted water

Do painted turtles try to eat little painted turtles?

Painted turtles may be opportunistic feeders and could potentially prey on smaller painted turtles, especially if they are hungry or if food is scarce. Cannibalism in painted turtles has been observed in certain situations, although it is not a typical behavior under normal circumstances.

What is cool about painted turtles?

they are cool because they are turtles

What is another cool fact about painted turtles?

they ARE NOT painted.

Do painted turtles only go to the bathroom when they are in the water?

painted turtles only like to pee in evion

When did painted turtles first exist?

Painted turtles have lived from 15 million years ago to the present.

Can painted turtles bite?

Yes, painted turtles are fully capable of biting you. I have 9 juvenile Eastern Painted turtles and they bite my fingers when they want attention or food. Although most painted turtles won't bite when threatened, you will come across the occasional moody one.