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There is no one set "diet" or specific foods that any anorexic eats in a day. It all depends on the individual and their personal choices, along with the severity of their disorder. Some may still eat 600 to 1,000 calories a day (still well under the 1,500 to 2,000 recommended for a healthy lifestyle), while others survive on less than 300 calories a day or choose to fast for long periods of time.

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Q: What do models with anorexia eat at day?
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What do anorexics do for a living?

They generally eat some food, just not nearly enough.

How much do models get to eat a day?


Do models suffer from anorexia?

Some do, yes...but not all.

How did you get anorexia?

Anorexia, or Anorexia Nervosa is a real mental illness. The word Anorexia literally translated means 'without appetite'. It is when you refuse to eat, restrict or eat very little.

Are models and celebrities the only people who are mostly anorexia?

No, definitely not.

Which eating disorder are models suffering from?

Usually, super models are suffering from anorexia nervosa. Sometimes, they have Bulimia.

Are models suffering from eating disorders?

Usually, super models are suffering from anorexia nervosa. Sometimes, they have Bulimia.

Can you get Anorexia?

Don't eat.

How do you prevent anorexia from turning into bulimia?

To eat a little bit a day and that your system can start working again. How it use to

Are you anorexic if you only eat tea at the end of the day?

Anorexia is based on weight, not what you eat. But if you continue ONLY eating tea all day you probably will loose enough weight to be considered anorexic.

How is Bulimia different from Anorexia?

Anorexia is different from bulimia because anorexia is were you eat no food and you get really skiny were you see your bones and bulimia is were if you eat food you puke it back up and you see your bones as well and there is no cure to anorexia and bulimia.