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It filtters out and disease causing micro organisms.

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Q: What do lynph nodes do?
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When doing a lumpectomy are the sentinel lymph nodes also removed along with the axillary lymph nodes?

Typically, the sentinel nodes are axillary nodes. If you are having the axillary nodes removed, the sentinal nodes will also be removed.

Lymph nodes that drain the head and the neck area?

Anterior and posterior cervical lymph nodes.

Where are the mediastinal nodes?

The Mediastinal Nodes are lymph nodes located in the center of the chest. The Superior Mediastinal Nodes are adjacent to the Trachea and Esophagus. The Inferior Mediastinal Nodes lie between the lower lobes of the Lungs.

What part of speech is nodes?

"Nodes" is a noun.

What structures filter lymph?

tiny vessels

Where are the jugulodigastric lymph nodes located?

The jugulodigastric lymph nodes are located in the neck close to the cervical nodes.

How many nodes does the model of your WAN have?

150 nodes

What identifys nodes on a stem?

The presence of buds at the nodes

How many nodes in 4f?

3 nodes in 4f

What filters out microorganisms and foreign material that have been engulfed by the lymphocytes?

Lymph Nodes

What are the small bean shaped organs that remove particles from lymph?


When was Nodes of Yesod created?

Nodes of Yesod was created in 1985.