Blind people need Blind Dogs and Canes
Also they may need to get seen to by a doctor.
Looking at the sun for a long time will not cause you to need glasses because it will make you blind. Blind people do not need glasses.
People in need of one, E.g. Blind People Hope I helped ;)
you cant blind people need a dog or a stick
Braille was needed so blind people could read.
The American Foundation for the Blind has a career connection link on their website, which has information for helping blind people find jobs.
in a year about 5 blind people,not very many blind people are the "the blind jason" but it does happen by accident. . . most of the time.
Revision: Just because you are blind doesn't mean that you are illiterate. Blind people read braille. Another answer Probably a bold black color. Being colored blind you can still see, it just means you can't see certain colors. These people don't need to use braille
The definition of an illustration is a picture that shows or resembles something. Since blind people cannot see, then an illustration is not necessary. Blind people become accustomed to reading braille, which is a form of language that was invented specifically for the blind where characters are raised off of the page that are intended to be felt with their fingertips.
braille is a way for blind people to read. you need to get the decoder to read it.
No there ways of becoming blind.
Blind people can have any colored eyes.
It raises awareness and it helps blind people to read using their fingers