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Axon of neuron, sarcolemma, and T-tubules.

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Q: What do action potentials travel down to cause muscle contraction?
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What tells muscles when to contract?

Muscles contract in response to signals from the nervous system. Motor neurons release neurotransmitters that stimulate muscle fibers to generate a contraction. This process is initiated by electrical impulses called action potentials that travel along the nerves to the muscle cells.

What are Motor unit action potentials?

Motor unit action potentials are electrical signals generated by a motor unit in response to a neural impulse from the central nervous system. These signals travel along the motor neurons to stimulate muscle fibers to contract. The pattern and strength of motor unit action potentials determine the force and coordination of muscle contractions.

What cells have the ability to respond to stimuli by generating signals such as action potentials?

Nerve cells or neurons have the ability to respond to stimuli by generating signals such as action potentials. These signals travel along the nerve cells to communicate information within the nervous system.

Do action potentials become weaker with distance?

No, action potentials do not become weaker with distance. They maintain their strength as they propagate along the length of the neuron due to the regenerative nature of the process. This ensures that the signal can travel long distances without weakening.

How does an action potential differ from a graded potential?

An action potential is a rapid and all-or-nothing electrical signal that travels along the axon of a neuron, while a graded potential is a small and variable electrical signal that occurs in response to a stimulus. Action potentials are typically generated in neurons, while graded potentials can occur in various types of cells.

What is the time between the action potentials?

The time between action potentials is known as the refractory period, during which the neuron cannot generate another action potential. This period is essential to ensure that action potentials travel in one direction and allows the neuron to recover before firing again. The refractory period can vary but generally lasts around 1-2 milliseconds.

What does communication in the nervous system depend on which are electrical impulses that travel from neuron to neuron?

Communication in the nervous system depends on the transmission of electrical impulses, known as action potentials, that travel along the length of neurons. These electrical signals allow for the rapid and precise transmission of information from one neuron to another, enabling various functions such as sensory perception, motor responses, and cognition.

Where is information communicated along the nerves?

Information is communicated along the nerves through electrical signals known as action potentials. These action potentials travel down the length of the nerve cell and are transmitted from one nerve cell to another at specialized junctions called synapses. In this way, messages can be passed from one part of the body to another.

Information is conveyed from the same sense of organs to the central nervous system by?

Information from the same sense organs is conveyed to the central nervous system by specialized sensory neurons, which convert physical stimuli into electrical signals known as action potentials. These action potentials travel along nerve fibers to the central nervous system where they are processed and interpreted.

Are also called neural impulses?

Action potential is a neural impulse.

How Nervous system carries message?

The nervous system carries messages through a network of nerve cells called neurons. When a stimulus is detected, electrical signals are generated in the neurons and travel along the nerve cells in the form of action potentials. These action potentials allow for communication between different parts of the body and are transmitted across synapses to relay messages between neurons.

How do the nerve impulses get from the sarcolemma plasmalemma into the individual muscle fiber?

Nerve impulses travel down from the neuron and cause ACh to be released at the axon terminal. If enough Ach binds to the receptors on the plasmalemma the action potential is tranmitted through the whole muscle fiber because Na+ enters the cell and depolarize it. The action potential travels along the T-tubules. These transmit it to the Sarcoplasmatic Reticulum which releases Ca2+ into the muscle fiber (as do the T-tubules themselves). The Ca2+ frees the bindingsite for myosin on actin so that contraction can occur.