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Q: What diseases does NSP in your diet prevent?
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Why do you need nsp in your diet?

NSP is basically fibre and we need it in our diet so that we don't become constipated. It keeps the food moving instead of clumping up in one place.

How do you prevent deficiency diseases?

there are three tips to prevent diseases 1. drinking pure water 2. keeping our surrounding clean 3. taking a balanced diet

How did the aborigines prevent diseases and have a balanced diet?

The Aborigines prevented diseases by eating certain bush medicines. They had a balanced diet by eating different food from different food groups.

What is nsp in nstp?

meaning of NSP in NSTP

Why should pregnant women eat foods containing NSP?

Pregnant woman often suffer from issues like constipation or indigestion and NSP can help to prevent this. For more detailed info see related link below.

NSP is needed by the body to aid?

why does are body need nsp

What diseases can a kiwi prevent?

A kiwi is a citrus fruit, so it is most associated with being able to prevent scurvy, a disease caused by insufficient vitamin C in the diet.

What are ways to prevent or defend against diseases?

I depends on the disease. Viral diseases often have vaccines. Heart disease can be prevented with good diet and excercise. Mosquito borne diseases can be prevented by using insect repellent.

How can you prevent from diet-related diseases?

A healthy lifestyle is key to preventing diet-related chronic diseases.Practise healthy eatingChoose foods wiselyBe physically activeKeep track of your health

What does the engine 2 diet do?

The founders of this diet believe that a plant-based diet, low in fat, can prevent and treat many of the diseases we see and experience today. The idea is that we can get all we need from plant-based foods just as they are.

What does nsp mean if your answering a food homework question?

NSP means non-starch polysaccharide. It is a dietry fibre. NSP can be found in Vegetables Cereals Fruits If we don't get enough NSP we could get: Constipated Heart disease Cancer

What is an NSP?

NSP stands for Neighborhood Stabilization Program, a form of assistance for home buyers.