The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted disease worldwide. Most commonly, HPV causes condyloma acuminata (genital warts).
However, HPV also can lead to Cervical cancer. This is the reason why women should get regular pap smears. HPV is also associated with cancers of the vulva (the area surrounding the vaginal opening), vagina, penis, anus, and head and neck.
A rare condition caused by HPV is recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP). Basically, one gets recurrent warts in the throat, which can lead to problems breathing. This disease form is thought to result when a mother with HPV passes the virus to her baby during delivery.
It's a virus called hpv
Geriatric diseases and disorders are associated with aging.
Pubic lice are often associated with other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) but do not spread them.
Circulatory system diseases, cancer.
HPV means human papillomavirus, the virus that causes warts and, in certain subtypes, is associated with cancer of the cervix, penis, vulva, anus, and some head and neck cancers.HPV is genital warts.
About 15 high-risk HPV types have been identified which can lead to cervical cancer. HPV types 16 and 18 are most commonly associated with cervical cancer and together are estimated to account for 70% of cervical cancer cases.The HPV-16 strain is thought to be a cause of about 50% of cervical cancers.
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The human papillomavirus (HPV) can cause a range of conditions, including warts on the skin and genital warts. Certain high-risk types of HPV can also lead to cervical cancer and other types of cancers in both men and women. It is important to get vaccinated against HPV to reduce the risk of associated diseases.
some diseases related with blood, stomach, and skin.