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the disease that strips myelin from nerves is meningitis

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Q: What disease strips myelin from nerves?
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What is the membrane covering the brain and spinal cord called?

The myelin sheath forms a protective layer over nerves. However, it is not present on all nerves. Retinal nerves for instance normally are devoid of myelin.

What is the insulating layer found on the nerves?

Myelin Sheath

What is the layer of insulation found on nerves?

Myelin Sheath

What cell produces the myelin in peripheral nerves?

Schwann cells produce myelin in peripheral nerves. Schwann cells wrap around the axon of a neuron to form the myelin sheath, which helps to insulate and speed up the conduction of nerve impulses.

What features of nerves improve impulse conduction velocity?

myelin sheaths

An autoimmune disease which results in the destruction of myelin sheaths is called?

The autoimmune disease that results in the destruction of myelin sheaths is called multiple sclerosis (MS). This condition leads to disruption in the transmission of signals along the nerves, causing a range of symptoms including weakness, numbness, vision problems, and difficulties with coordination and balance.

What part of the nervous system is affected by poliomyelitis?

The myelin sheath surrounding nerves.

Why was adrenoleukodystrophy given its name?

Like many names of diseases and conditions, adrenoleukodystrophy is a name that actually describes the problem or symptoms.A dystrophy is a damage or loss of something.Leukodystrophies involve loss of the myelin sheath (insulating wrapping around nerves). Myelin is white, and "leuko" comes from the Greek word for "white." So a leukodystrophy is a loss of or damage to white stuff (myelin). Without the myelin, the nerves do not conduct signals properly, just the way uninsulated wiring may not properly conduct electricity because it is grounded out along the way.Adrenoleukodystrophy is a form of leukodystrophy in which the condition damaging the myelin also damages the brain and leads to failure of the adrenal glands. It is also called "Addison-Schilder Disease," "Siemerling-Creutzfeldt Disease," and "Schilder's disease" but these names merely recognize those who described it for medicine and science, showing it to be a specific condition.

What genetic disease is characterized by an excess build up of myelin?

canavan disease

How is the structure of the myelin sheath related to its function?

Myelin sheath is the "cover" if you like of nerves. It's structure is important in helping pass the nerve impulses along it's axon, from the body, to the terminal buttons. Long story short, a degeneration of the Myelin sheath leads to interrupted, or non existent impulses, and causes a very well known disease, called MS (multiple sclerosis)

How do you think a person would be affected if myelin on his or her neurons was damaged or destroyed and how would you explain it?

Myelin is the insulating "sheath" that surrounds nerves in your body. When the myelin breaks down, false signals make it into the nerves, sometimes causing pain, and sometimes causing muscle spasms.

What does the sheath do around the axon?

Protects the axon. The "Myelin Sheath" serves as an insulator to protect nerves.