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Pneumonic Plague, if not treated within the first 24 - 48 hours of infection, the mortality rate is 100%. If it is, the mortality rate is 75%.

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10y ago

Cancer kills the most people in the UK each year. Cancer generally kills the most people in almost all countries in the world. There are many different types of cancer that can be deadly.

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15y ago

Cardiovascular disease.

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Q: What disease has the kills the most people in the UK each year?
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Which is the most harmfull disease in the world?

the most harmful disease in the world is cancer (it kills the most people).

What disease kills the most people in the UK each year?

look places to find coz this site dosent now anything

What UK animal kills the most people each year?

House fly

What is the world's most disliked animal?

The mosquito, which through disease it carries, kills many people every year.

What disease kills people the fastest?

Cardiovascular disease kills the most and it is mainly caused by ignorance towards a healthy diet. Otherwise it is hard to answer your question due to unknown variables such as age groups and prior conditions such as obesity.

What is the disease that kills most Filipinos today?

I assume it is Malaria.

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Technically, mosquitoes kill the most people because of the transfer of disease. Other than this, hippos physically kill the most people.

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domestic violence

What aniamal kills the most human each year?

the mosquitoe

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What kills women the most?

The leading causes of death among women are cardiovascular disease, malignant cancer, cerebrovascular disease, chronic lung disease, pneumonia/influenza, and diabetes

What are the four common diseases?

Diabetes, lung disease, cancer, and heart disease are the four most common diseases that cause the most deaths. Every year, heart disease kills approximately one million Americans alone.