

Best Answer

Many, including

  • Anaemia (of many times - iron deficiency anaemia, anaemia of chronic disease, megaloblastic anaemia)
  • Luekaemias
  • Lymphoma
  • Viral infections such as infectious mononucleosis
  • Bordatella pertussis infection (whooping cough)
  • Overwhelming bacterial infection (sepsis)
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Q: What disease's can you see in haematology blood testing?
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What is the medical term meaning specialist in blood and blood diseases?

A hematologist is the name for a scientist or physician who studies blood and its diseases. See the link below.There are many diseases that can be found in the blood such as anemia, malaria,and Thelassemia.

What is a pooled blood product?

A pooled blood product is a collection of multiple donated blood samples in order to test 10 samples at a time to see whether the blood tests positive or negative for certain diseases. If negative, then the cost of testing the other 9 samples has been saved!

What is blood test?

A blood test is a test that the doctor takes a sample of your blood to test it to see if you have any medical conditions or diseases, etc.

Should you have blood tests done on my dog to see what he needs?

Only your vet can properly decide whether your dog needs blood testing, but generally, blood testing is only performed to confirm or deny the presence of bloodbourne illnesses, anemia, and the like. If your dog shows no signs of being ill, blood testing should not be necessary.

How soon will you see symptoms after you have been infected with a blood-borne disease?

Different blood borne diseases have different incubation periods.

What kind of diseases can be caused by dirty fingernails?

Most likely a Sepsis or Blood Poisoning. You should see a Doctor.

Is there a way for me to determine what my blood type is on my own?

In order to find out the blood type of a person, he or she would have to go see a doctor and have blood drawn, after the blood has been drawn and further testing is done the person would be able to find out what kind of blood type he or she is.

How do you measure the effectiveness of insulin therapy?

after testing blood glucose level to see if it's lower or high. If the blood glucose level is between 70-100mg/dl the therapy is effective.

How do you determine which oxygen sensor to change on a 2009 Dodge Journey?

By testing to see which one has failed.By testing to see which one has failed.

Can you take a blood test to be an organ donar?

Yes I would be able to submit to a blood test now. I have no existing conditions that would prohibit any testing to see if I am a possible match to be an organ donor. I do not know my blood type or blood group either.

Is a blood test better when testing to see if your pregnant?

It is more accurate and can be done at an earlier stage, so yes, you could say that it's better

Could you use your own needles more than once?

needles are used for giving u medicine for different kinds of diseases or for sucking up ur blood to see if there is no bad things in the blood.