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Q: What digests food wastes and foreign substances?
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What Digest food wastes foreign substances?


What are organelles that digest food molecules and waste inside the cell?

Lysosomes are the organelles that digests food molecules and wastes inside the cell. Lysosomes also digests cell parts and foreign invaders.

How can define lysosomes in a form of small riddle for 9class student?

Circles are round they have no end that's how long the lysosome is your friend. He digests food particles, wastes, cell parts, and digests foreign invaders so you don't fall apart.

What is the role of lysosmes in the cell?

It digests cell wastes, food molecules, and uses cell parts.

What is the definition of a Lymsosome?

A lysosome is a membrane-bound organelle in animal cells that contains various hydrolytic enzymes. Its main function is to break down cell waste and debris, as well as to digest ingested bacteria and viruses. This process helps to maintain cellular homeostasis and remove harmful substances.

How and where is food digested by the body?

The food which we take is a complex substances which is idli, dosa, puri etc. when we start to chew it these substances are divided as simple substances. It goes through food pipe and the stomach digests the food in different sections like nutrients.

How does a cuttlefish digests its food?

it digests its food by making it go through its intestines

What is the biological structure that digests food particles and foreign invaders?

The lysosome acts as the cells garbage disposal unit. This small organelle digests worn out cell partsand food. The lysosome can be found in the cytoplasm.The lysosome acts as the cells garbage disposal unit.

What happened to the food wastes in the can after sometimes?

It rots and substances called cadaverines and putricines are produced, making an awful smell!

How does the amoeba takes in and digests food?

amoeba feeds on some microscopic organisms when it senses food particle it pushes out and engulf it. The food becomes trapped in its food vacuole. Digestive juices are secreted into the food vacuole.They act on the food and break it into simpler substances gradually the digested food is absorbed. The substances are used for growth maintenance and multiplication of amoeba. The undigested substances of food is expelled outside by the vacuole.

What is the function of small intestine of frogs?

The small intestine is an organ towards the end of the digestive tract that digests food into nutrients into the bloodstream through villi. The small intestine digests the proteins, minerals, sugars, and vitamins the body needs.Small intestines in any animal will finish digesting and absorb nutrients from food.It digests the food that the frog has eaten and carries the wastes to the large intestines. The nutrients inside the food is absorbed into the frog's body.digestion of food and uptake of waterTo extract nutrients and break down the food.

Does the body digests each of the food substances it takes in completely?

i have not a clue, but if i had to guess, i would say yes because if all of the food in our body was not digested i don't think that we would feel good