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The enzyme lactose.


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The enzyme lactose.

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Q: What digest milk sugar?
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What is lacked toss n tolerant?

I think you mean "lactose intolerant."Lactose is milk sugar. All small babies can digest lactose, but many people lose their ability to digest it as they get older--that is why they get sick from drinking milk. People who can still digest milk sugar as adults are "lactose tolerant"; people who cannot digest it are "lactose intolerant."

Lactose intolerance refers the inability to digest sugars found in what?

milk products. lactose is milk sugar.

Produced by the type of bacteria that digest the milk sugar lactose?

It's Bacteria

Where does lactaid milk come from?

Lactaid milk is milk that has had the lactose, milk sugar, removed. Some people cannot digest lactose so they have to drink milk without lactose if they want to drink milk.

Which sugar is easiest to digest?

The easiest sugar to digest is dextroglucose.

Do they add sugar to milk?

Milk has its own natural sugar, namely lactose. It is not lawful for a milk producer to add sugar to ordinary milk. Condensed milk and/or evaporated milk may contain added sugar. Milk may have some or almost all of its fat removed, eg skimmed & semi-skimmed milk.

What is a Lactose intolerance?

Lactose intolerance results from an inability in the small entrails to digest lactose. You can get so many carbohydrates or sugar in milk what's called lactose. You should avoid this.

A type of bacteria that digest the milk sugar lactose?

Lactobacillus is a type of bacteria that can digest the milk sugar lactose. It produces the enzyme lactase, which breaks down lactose into simpler sugars that can be metabolized. This process is important for the fermentation of dairy products like yogurt.

Is lactose free milk sugar free?

Lactose-free milk still contains milk sugar, but the lactose has been broken down into simpler forms that are easier to digest. Therefore, lactose-free milk may still contain some level of sugar from lactose, depending on the processing method used.

What is a lactose?

Lactose is a sugar found in milk (particularly cow's milk). Some people can not digest this sugar - they are genetically unable to make the enzyme lactase!. The sugar therfore remains in the gut where gut bacteria and fungi feast on it causing stomach problems. When this happens the person is said to be "lactose Intolerant".

How do you digest milk easily to gain weight in short time How do you digest milk easily and gain weight?

Take Proper Boil Milk

Which is easier to digest sour milk or sweet milk?

sour milk