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Since one third of Europe's population died from the plague, it caused short labor. As a result, workers demanded higher wages. The landlords refused the demands, which led to peasant rebellion in England, France, Belgium, and Italy.

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Q: What did they plague cause in Europe?
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What helped cause the Renaissance in Northern Europe?

The End Of War. The end of the plague. The decline of famine

Which area of Europe was relatively unaffected by the plague?

Scandinavia was relatively unaffected by the plague in Europe.

Which type of plague was the worst on Europe?

the bubonic plague

How did war and the plague cause major changes in medieval Europe?

Nations lost there provinces and as the black plague killed alot of people, economy dropped and nations fell.

How did the bubonic plague disease spread from Europe to Asia?

The bubonic plague started in Asia and spread to Europe.

Where did the bubonic plague occur?

the Bubonic Plague occurred in Europe about 400 years ago

What are two result of the plague striking Europe?

One-third of the population died; was a cause for the crusades; lead to the end of feudalism.

What was the sickness that cause death to a fourth of Europe?

The black death! or bubonic plague symptoms were buboes fever rashes and nausea

What caused a dramatic decline in the population of Europe in the 1300s?

The Bubonic Plague (a.k.a The Black Plague) caused a dramatic decline in the population of Europe in the 1300s.

Where from was the plague spread to Europe?

In the 1500's and 1600's, but this is not the first plague.

What plague did the vikings get?

The got the bubonic plague like nearly 40% of Europe did.

Where is the Bubonic Plague originally from?
