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The humoral model of disease proposed that disease was caused by an
imbalance in one or more of four "humors" or fluids in the body:
blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile.
Physicians would decide on a treatment based on their interpretation
of the imbalance. Some treatments even included "blood letting" where
they would either cut the person and allow them to bleed for a short
time or apply leaches to them to remove some blood.

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Q: What did the humoral model of disease propose as the cause for cholera?
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Cholera. Prions are known to cause diseases like Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, mad cow disease, and kuru, but not cholera, which is caused by a bacterial infection.

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Robert Koch worked on tuberculosis, not cholera. He is known for isolating and identifying the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis as the cause of the disease.

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Some effects are disease and sickness, but these are pretty obvious. Sorry!

4 diseases caused by bacteria?

Tuberculosis: caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, affects the lungs. Salmonellosis: caused by Salmonella bacteria, leads to gastrointestinal symptoms. Cholera: caused by Vibrio cholerae, results in severe watery diarrhea. Lyme disease: caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, transmitted by ticks, can cause rash and joint pain.

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vibrio cholerae produces cholera toxin which is an enterotoxin, whose action on the mucosal epithelium lining of the small intestine is responsible for the massive diarrhoea of the disease.

What is the cause of disease caulara?

Cholera is a bacterial infection that people can get from contaminated water. It causes diarrhea and that leads to dehydration which can be fatal.

How could cholera cause a pandemic?

Cholera can not cause pandemic today, unless there is some natural calamity. There were cholera pandemic in past, due to lack of knowledge about cholera and lack of hygiene.

Does chlorine cause cholera?

Chlorine does not cause cholera. You may get cholera, by absence of that little chlorine in public water supply.

Which diseases are caused by famines?

Famines in themselves do not cause disease; they cause malnutrition, which is a preventable condition that can be considered as a disease. There are other diseases that are common in areas where there are famines and most of these have to do with sanitation. The leading killer in the world is cholera which is from drinking unsafe water.

The cause of death of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel?

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel died of cholera in Berlin on November 14, 1831. He contracted the disease during an epidemic that was prevalent in the city at the time.

What are benefits and drawbacks of microorganisms presence in water?

None for benefits, however they can cause disease such as cholera or typhus. It is impossible to remove all microbes from anything.