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The bacteria were carried by fleas that were carried by rats. But what did they believe back then? A buncha stuff. Evil spirits, angry god, etcetera. The song ring around the rosy is purportedly about the symptoms of Bubonic Plague. Because one of the first symptoms was a rose colored ring-like rash. Ring a ring of roses, pocket full of posies (petals were believed to ward off evil spirits) ashes ashes (they burned the bodies) we all fall down.

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15y ago
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13y ago

The peasants thought that the causes for the bubonic plague was the Jews poisoning the world, god punishing them, bad air and the alinement of the planets!

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13y ago

well i think they thought was true neby u can fegeir that out

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12y ago

The cause of the Plague was a bacterium called yersinia pestis, which was transmitted by fleas that lived on the Black rat.

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Q: What did people believe caused the bubonic plague?
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What Bubonic plague caused an rapid spreading disease

What is the medical name of the Bubonic Plague?

Bubonic Plague is caused by the bacterium, Yersinia pestis.

Is bubonic plague a fungus or bacterium?

Bubonic plague is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. It is not caused by a fungus.

What did philosophers believe caused the bubonic plague?

what caused the black death was rats from china cause when people from china would come over to Europe to deliver things they have made for the europeans and the rats came on the ship with these fleas on them and the fleas carried the bubonic plague witch got into the rats so when the people from china came over with this disease all the rats came out of the ship and the Chinese people died on the ship with the disease it caused the bubonic plague to happen witch it did so that's what happened.

What disease spread from Asia to Europe and caused the deaths of millions of people?

Bubonic Plague

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Do people still die of the black plague?

No, we now know the bubonic plague was caused by a bacterium called Yersinia pestis that we have antibiotics to treat.

What decease killed the people in the UK?

if you mean through the Middle Ages this was the bubonic Plague caused by rats.

The bubonic plague is a disease caused by the infestation of which insect?


What disease spread quickly and killed many people in Europe?

the bubonic plague, spread by rats bitten bye infected fleas

What was the name of the plague that killed many people in the 14 century?

Well really there were three- the most common being the bubonic plague.

Why did people treat the bubonic plague like a joke?

No one ever treated bubonic plague like a joke.