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If urography fails to demonstrate ureteral obstrution, then there's nothing blocking the ureters. The study didn't give you a diagnosis, but it ruled out a diagnosis.

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Q: What diagnos if Intravenous Urography fails to demonstrate ureteral obstruction?
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Why is a retrograde ureteropyelogram performed?

performed to determine the exact location of a ureteral obstruction when it cannot be visualized on an intravenous pyelogram

What is a nephrocystanastomosis?

Nephrocystanastomosis: Surgical formation of an artificial connection between the kidney and the bladder where there is permanent ureteral obstruction.

What is neprhohydrosis?

Nephrohydrosis (synonym Hydronephrosis) Term popular in <nephrology> Abnormal enlargement of a kidney, may occur secondary to acute ureteral obstruction (kidney stone) or in chronic kidney disease.

What does it feel like when a ureteral stent is displaced?

when i had my ureteral stent taken out i had not felt a thing. i did pee tho

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What is the difference between a ureterostomy tube and a ureteral stent?

At first u have to know what an ureter is. It is a tube that drains urine from kidney to the urinary bladder. An ureterostomy is a diversion where ureter is mobilized surgically and the end is brought out through abdominal wall. Ureteral stent is a device that is inserted within the ureter to overcome an obstruction. Dr. Angel General Surgeon

What is stenosis of ureter?

Ureteral stenosis is a narrowing of the ureter, the tube that carries urine from the kidneys to the bladder. This can lead to urine flow obstruction, causing symptoms like flank pain, frequent urinary tract infections, and kidney damage. Treatment options may include medications, ureteral stenting, or surgical interventions.

What is the normal outcome of ureteral stenting?

Normally, a ureteral stent re-establishes the flow of urine from the kidney to the bladder. Postoperative urine flow will be monitored to ensure the stent has not been dislodged or obstructed.

What are the side effects of a ureteral stent?

side effects of a ureteral stent are pressure in the abdomen and escruciating pain when urinating. removal is not painful at all. I've just had a cystoscopy with laser destruction and stent insertion yesterday.

Bilateral ureteral stent how long does blood appear in urine?

3 days

What is a partially obstructed ureteral?

ureter = the tube through which you pee. it is closed up but not completely.

Why are ureteral stents used?

A ureter may become obstructed as a result of a number of conditions including kidney stones, tumors, blood clots, postsurgical swelling, or infection. A ureteral stent is placed in the ureter to restore the flow of urine to the bladder.