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Bulimia nervosa is not dieting and in fact will only make a person sick (literally as well as figuratively). People purge their food through vomiting and laxatives because they think it will make them lose weight, but actually they might gain weight because in order to be considered bulimic a person must be taking in 20,000-40,000 calories in one sitting and purging them through different methods. If the person is just throwing up their dinner then I would say they are probably anorexic or depressed.

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Yes it can and usually does. People who normally end up bulimic do it because they are afraid to gain the weight of the food that they just ate.

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Which of these eating disorders is more likely to affect men than woman bulimia nervosa anorexia nervosa chronic dieting muscle dysmorphia?

Anorexia nervosa

Which of these eating disorders is more likely to affect men than woman bulimia nervosa chronic dieting anorexia nervosa muscle dysmorphia?

bulimia / anorexia - eating disroders, women are more affected than men by a 9 : 1 ratio. chronic dieting - women tend to diet significantly mroe than men do. muscle dysmorphia - can affect both men and women equally.

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bulimia / anorexia - eating disroders, women are more affected than men by a 9 : 1 ratio. chronic dieting - women tend to diet significantly mroe than men do. muscle dysmorphia - can affect both men and women equally.

How to become anorexic I have bulimia I need help with controlling the urge to binge when Im dieting or fasting I also need to know what kind of exercise burns the most fat?

Generally, it is not safe to become anorexic. If you have bulimia and need help controlling hte urge to binge when you are dieting and fasting, it would be beneficial to seek medical attention or advice. Incorporating a healthy lifestyle is a surefire way to lose and maintain a healthy weight. You can also incoporate exercise into this routine. Exercises such as running are great for burning fat.

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EDNOS, also known as Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. Strict dieting and wish to lose weight are symptoms of anorexia, binge eating and possible throwing up to keep the weight off are the symptoms of bulimia.

What are the main behavioral symptoms of bulimia nervosa?

Eating large amounts of food uncontrollably (bingeing); vomiting, abusing laxatives or diuretics, or engaging in fasting, dieting, or vigorous exercise (purging); preoccupation with body weight; using the bathroom frequently after meals.

Is it more likely to get bulimia or anorexia?

Bulimia is more commonly diagnosed as an eating disorder, but more individuals exhibit anorexic tendencies (not enough to be diagnosed as a serious problem though) such as extreme dieting, excessive weight loss, diet pills, and skipping meals.

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What are three of the main dangers associated with dieting?

Three main dangers associated with dieting include malnutrition from not getting enough essential nutrients, development of eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia, and potential negative impacts on mental health due to obsessive thoughts about food and body image.

What are three possible causes of eating disorders?

There are dozens and dozens of factors that can cause eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. Three common ones are peer pressure / social pressures to look a certain way, dieting that has gone too far, and low self-esteem.

What does anorexia have in common with?

Both anorexia and bulimia are eating disorders where extreme dieting is used to lose weight. Anorexia is not eating or strictly limiting the food eaten, while bulimia is mostly throwing up after meals. Both disorders are commonly thought to originate as a mental disorder, possibly linkd to Body Dismorohic Disorder (BDD). Each can cause serious health risks and problmes. In sever cases, both can become fatal.