Any bloodloss will put a patient at risk for anemia, which is a loss of iron related to the loss of hemoglobin that carries iron and oxygen.
iron deficiency anemia is most common in women occur because of menstrual blood loss
An anemia caused by vitamin B12 is pernicious anemia while deficient in iron is iron defeciency anemia.
you may not die but it will help deteriorate your health because iron is important as of being in the blood and low iron can cause anemia and anemia can cause hair loss,cold and chills and calcium defieciency
Anemia has multiple causes, the most common of which are 1) iron deficiency anemia, and 2) blood loss anemia. There are many, many other causes, as well.
i think the loss of apetite is the reson that you have a low amount of iron in your body not the othert way around Iron defitiency causes loss of energy, becoming very distracted in class, alotof spacing out ,anemia ,and sungy nails . i think the loss of apetite is the reson that you have a low amount of iron in your body not the othert way around Iron defitiency causes loss of energy, becoming very distracted in class, alotof spacing out ,anemia ,and sungy nails .
This could be anorexia or anemia from lack of iron.
The blood disorder characterized by anemia is known as iron deficiency anemia. It occurs when there is a lack of iron in the body, leading to insufficient production of red blood cells and resulting in symptoms like fatigue, weakness, and pale skin. Iron deficiency anemia can be treated with iron supplements and dietary changes to increase iron intake.
Ineffective erythropoiesis is responsible for the mild indirect hyperbilirubinemia seen occasionally in severe iron-deficiency anemia. So yes it is possible to be jaundiced from severe anemia.
anemia weakness, loss of appetite, and giddiness besides pale look.
Anemia - low blood counts. Also hair loss and fatigue.
Iron is in the blood, so if there is a low percentuage of iron in it, it can cause anemia.