If it is just a standard non hormonal IUI, then this is perfectly normal. IUI's cause your periods to be heavier, (with exception of the minerva coil.) and can cause spotting a few days after fitting.
The above answer seems to be referring to the "fitting" of an IUD...not the administration of an IUI. I had an IUI 2 days ago, and I have not had any spotting. However, the paper that my fertility clinic sent me home with stated that some spotting would be normal right after the procedure. I do not believe you should still be spotting 4 days afterwards. I am a RN, and I think this is something you should call your doctor's office about.
Spotting before you get a heavier flow is very normal...If you are normally like clockwork and you only have spotting and do not get a regular flo within the next 3-4 days then it is very possible that you are pregnant and that the spotting is implantation bleeding.
Implantation bleeding typically occurs 6-12 days after fertilization, when the embryo attaches to the uterine lining. Spotting 4 days after sex is unlikely to be related to implantation. It could be due to other factors such as hormonal changes or irritation from intercourse. If spotting continues or is accompanied by other symptoms, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider.
It's possible. I experienced it 4 days after conception, and lasted 5 days very light.
i am 5 weeks pregnant and i have been spotting for four days only when i wipe myself tho
Sure it can! I am 4 weeks preggo and I have been having brownish spotting VERY lite for about 4 days now. My doc says everything is fine. My cervix is closed and the only thing we could see in an ultrasound this early is some thickening. Good luck!
Start counting your period from the day you see the spotting if this happens every month. You could also do basal body temperature which will pinpoint ovulation, or use the Billings method.
Your question is hard to answer because you don't mention what day you are in your cycle. The spotting could be the start of your period or caused by something else. The info in your question is too vague to give you a really good answer.
According to the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" this could be a sign of ovulation. Some women experience spotting and light cramping after the egg is released. It is unlikely that this is implantation spotting if this is only four days after ovulation, because implantation spotting and cramping usually occurs 8-10 days after the egg is fertilized. Sperm can live up to 5 days so I would be sure to take a pregnancy test if you do not get your period when expected. The book is wonderful and tells all kinds of normal symptoms women experience throughout the entire month - things we may not have noticed, but are perfectly normal.
Spotting at mid-cycle could be a sign of just about anything from pregnancy, to a fibroid tumor, or other medical conditions. In short, check with your OB-GYN.
possibly, or it could be a very early miscarriage ....... or it could just be your body doing weird things during your period
It is very possible. Often, the implantation of the egg into the uterine wall can result in slight bleeding. This could be what is happening in your case.